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Predictive values ​​in the movies “Corona Virus as a model”

which one of the characters talks in one of its scenes about the bombing of the World Trade Center and the killing of 4,000 people and pinning the blame on Muslims with the approval of the US Congress, or (The Mario Brothers) directed by Rocky Morton and Annabelle Jankel, produced in 1993, or other topics such as the Gulf War or the exciting endings of the world with all their topics, but today the eyes are directed to the epidemic that swept the world and claimed thousands of victims, and if we follow the course of films that talked about a global epidemic affecting the globe, we find many of them, whether this epidemic is a virus or parasites or the transformation of humans into zombies or other, and the evidence of the films is many and difficult to count and limit, in the movie Slither directed by James Gunn, produced in 2006 It talks about a parasitic invasion that infects people. The movie (Outbreak) directed by Peterson and produced in 1995 talks about a medical team affiliated with the US Congress conducting some viral tests in an African city, but this virus spreads quickly throughout the village, which prompted the medical team to contact the higher leadership to save them. Congress sends a plane loaded with bombs that drop them on the village, killing everyone in the village, even the American medical team. Despite that, the virus is transmitted by a chimpanzee that leaves the village and boards a ship to transmit the disease to America. As for the movie (Contagion) directed by Steven Soderbergh and produced in 2011, it talks about a virus similar to the Corona virus that is transmitted by a woman coming from Hong Kong to spread throughout America and the world. The striking issue in the subject is that cinema did not only anticipate the subjects in cinema, but it went beyond that by anticipating the state of societies and the general fears that affect societies. After the fears were on the individual level, they turned into collective fears due to the new global communication system and the great openness between countries and the disappearance of geographical borders between countries. If people fear wars and military weapons, then the new fears are of another kind, and this is clearly reflected in the nature of social life among individuals. For this reason, Paul Virilo spoke in an interview conducted by Anne Diatkin and published by the French newspaper Libération in its issue dated December 17, 2007.

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