The world of tourism is dominated by a sharp competitive environment that challenges tourism business administrations to keep abreast of rapid and rapid technological developments if it is to continue and succeed. Because the tourism sector is a vital sector More
Year: 2019
Obstacles facing domestic tourism in Iraq The khatiam Alwan Mohammed and M. Samir Khalil Shamto

Obstacles facing internal tourism in Iraq: 1. Political Obstacles. 2. Security obstacles. 3. Obstacles related to lack of tourism awareness. 4. Marketing obstacles. 5. Economic obstacles. 6. Obstacles relating to transport and transport services. 7. Obstacles related to public More
Domestic or domestic tourism khatiam Alwan Mohammed and M. Samir Khalil Sham

Domestic or domestic tourism: It is a tourism that is concerned with the local population and most of them are of limited income. It is within the borders of the country. It is no less important than foreign tourism. It More
Obstacles to tourism development The khitam Alwan Mohammed and M. Samir Khalil Shamto

Obstacles to Tourism Development (1): The most important obstacles which are obstacles to the development of tourism: The first obstacle: the low degree of political and government support for the tourism sector and the fear of the new, in developing More
Determinants of tourism development. Samir Khalil Shamto

Characteristics of Contemporary Tourism: Contemporary tourism is characterized by the following advantages (2): Travel and tourism are not restricted to the rich. Relatively low travel costs. The development of places of accommodation, diversity, diversity and geographical spread. Trips from individual More
Tourism in accordance with the purpose of the closure of Alwan Mohammed and m. Samir Khalil Shamto

2) Tourism according to purpose (1): Religious Tourism Religious Tourism: Is the transfer of the tourist from their place of residence to other areas with the aim of conducting religious visits and trips inside and outside the country for a More
Tourism in accordance with the purpose of the closure of Alwan Mohammed and m. Samir Khalil Shamto
Tourism Divisions: 1) According to geographical scope: A – Internal Tourism: Domestic tourism in the developed countries is estimated at eight to nine times the size of international tourism. These countries are interested in encouraging domestic tourism and providing it More
The concept of tourist Khatem Alwan Mohammed and M. Samir Khalil Shamto

The tourist concept: I stipulate to the tourist that he is a person whose stay or residence without his original home for a temporary period of more than twenty – four hours (2). : Tourism objectives: Tourism is particularly important More
Tourism (Tourism) student Khatam Alwan Mohammed and M. Samir Khalil Shamto

Tourism (Tourism) The movement of a person from place to place and from time to time (world tourism) or travel in the country (internal tourism) for a period of not less than (24) hours so as not to be permanent More
Tourism (Tourism) student Khatam Alwan Mohammed and M. Samir Khalil Shamto

Tourism: The term tourism is a word used in Latin languages but it was known in the Arabic language in the linguistic concept of the term tourism. It means that roaming means a phrase in the earth means “gold and More