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Tourism (Tourism)

The movement of a person from place to place and from time to time (world tourism) or travel in the country (internal tourism) for a period of not less than (24) hours so as not to be permanent residence and its purposes are for culture, business, religion or sport … Etc. (1).
It was also known for the first time to the Austrian economy Sclard in 1915, where he knew: as a kind of operations, most of the economic character, and which directly return to the movement of foreigners in their entry and stay inside and outside the country, in the city or territory.
In 1941, Hanziker and Kraif defined him as a “set of phenomena and relations resulting from travel and survival of non-residents, which do not lead to permanent residence and result in no physical activity.”
And was known by the English Tourism Association in 1976 “It is a temporary movement and for a short period of people, to areas of intent outside the place where they used to live, work and activity, which includes all the purposes” (2).
The definition of the United Nations in 1994, which gives three forms of tourism and statistical considerations, is (3):
1) Domestic Tourism: which includes travelers who are citizens of a country within the borders of their country.
2) Inbound Tourism: which includes foreign travel to that country.
3) Outbound Tourism: which includes the travel of citizens of that country to another country, except the original country.
In the same sense, the United Nations has listed three other categories of tourism:
      1) Internal Tourism: which includes domestic tourism and tourism Inbound Tourism.
       2) National Tourism, which includes domestic tourism and foreign tourism Outbound Tourism.
     3) International Tourism: which includes inbound tourism and foreign tourism Outbound Tourism.
(1) Zaid Munir Aboudi, The Art of Hotel Management and Tourism Activity, p. 169.
(2) Asaad Hammad Abu Rumman and Adel Sgaid Al-Rawi, Tourism in Jordan, I 1, Athera Publishing and Distribution, 2009, p. 31.
[3] Ibid., P. 32.

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