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The term tourism is a word used in Latin languages ​​but it was known in the Arabic language in the linguistic concept of the term tourism. It means that roaming means a phrase in the earth means “gold and walking on the face of the earth” (1).
The term tourism is a language that means roaming, and a phrase in the land means gold and walking on earth (2).
    In the English language, we find that Tour means tour or tour. Tourism means travel and rotation from one place to another.
   Some call it 20th-century industry, interlocking, composite or integrated industry, industry without chimneys, soul food, 21st century oil, etc.
In 1905, Joer Fuller defined tourism as: a phenomenon of modern times that stems from the growing need for rest, recreation, climate change, a sense of the beauty and taste of nature, and a sense of joy and pleasure by staying in areas of a special nature.
   Austrian scientist Herman Von Sholleron defined tourism in 1910 as “the term used for all overlapping operations, especially economic processes involving the delegations, the spread and the residence of foreigners within and outside a particular region or country with which they are directly linked and focused This definition on the economic side of tourism and neglected the psychological and cultural aspect (5).
Tourism is a term used to travel to fun: it is known as a group of human activities that work to achieve this kind of embassy and industry, which cooperate to satisfy the wishes of the tourist.
(1) Zaid Munir Aboudi, the art of hotel management and tourism activity, i 1, House treasures Treasures, 2007, p. 169.
(2) Tawfiq Maher Abdul Aziz, Tourism Industry, D.T, Dar Zahran, Amman, 1997, p.
(3) Zaid Abbawi, Dictionary of Tourism and Hotel Terms, D.T, Dar Knouz Knowledge, Amman, 2006, p. 262.
(4) Abdel Hadi Dalal, Economics of Tourism Industry, D.T, Dar Al-Fath Printing and Publishing, Egypt, 2006, p.
(5) Ryan Darwish, Tourism Investments in Jordan, Master Thesis, University of Algiers, 1996, p.
(6) Zaid Munir Aboudi, Hotel Management Art, p. 169, previous source.

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