Types of training
The training is divided into the following types:
Training by Duration: This type is divided into two parts
Short-term training: – It takes from one week to six weeks and in this case is held training courses centered and disadvantages lack of sufficient time for the trainee to know all the training information and full comprehension in which the trainers explain the entire training material without entering details or explain the full time constraints.
Long-term training: – The period may be up to a full year or more and the advantages of this training to get the trainee information is adequate and accurate. None of the disadvantages of the administration has to appoint people who do the work of the coach throughout the training periods, which raises the costs of enterprises and enter into labor problems when the termination of the new employee.
The quality of training personnel: – They are two types of training
Collective training where a group of trainees are trained in one such as training groups in specialized training centers in the case of training a group of technicians on how to use some new machines and training a group of administrators on how to use the reservation software in the new computer
Individual training and your skills to develop the skills and abilities of the individual trainee who can be promoted to a new guest.
Training in terms of content and functional level: – It is divided into several types
Supervisory training which aims at increasing the individual’s ability to supervise and deal with subordinates to increase their well-being.
Specialized training is designed to increase the information and abilities of the trainee in a limited scope and a specific job to perform a specific job.
Training and educational training This type of training is used in the case of new employees or transferred to new departments to introduce them to new jobs.
Vocational training, such as training individuals on a specific profession such as hotel management, secretarial and printing.
Management training, and development skills (2).
(1) Saleh Mohammed Faleh, Human Resources Management Presentation and Analysis, 1, Dar Al-Hamed, Amman, 2004, p.
[2] Ibid., P. 9.
Long-term training: – The period may be up to a full year or more and the advantages of this training to get the trainee information is adequate and accurate. None of the disadvantages of the administration has to appoint people who do the work of the coach throughout the training periods, which raises the costs of enterprises and enter into labor problems when the termination of the new employee.
Individual training and your skills to develop the skills and abilities of the individual trainee who can be promoted to a new guest.
Specialized training is designed to increase the information and abilities of the trainee in a limited scope and a specific job to perform a specific job.
Training and educational training This type of training is used in the case of new employees or transferred to new departments to introduce them to new jobs.
Vocational training, such as training individuals on a specific profession such as hotel management, secretarial and printing.
Management training, and development skills (2).
[2] Ibid., P. 9.