Contribute to solving work problems.
Contributing to the treatment of the reasons for the absence of work and absenteeism may be due to the dissatisfaction or conviction of some workers about their work or the circumstances in which they work and may be due to dissatisfaction and lack of conviction to lack of mastery the method to follow.
Providing the hotel needs of the trained workforce.
Increase the employee’s appreciation of the currency and interest in it This estimate usually arises from the mastery of the human currency.
Individuals gain functional knowledge and refined skills and abilities so that they can accomplish their work based on them to the fullest.
Raise the productive efficiency of the individual and your self by providing him with the latest trends and methods of work that are closely related to the type of work he is doing and with you in order to enable him to pursue the continuous development in the field of work.
Relieving the supervisors and supervisors as training the worker to reassure his / her skills relieves the process of continuous follow-up. As you reduce the number of supervisory supervisors necessary thus reduces the cost of these functions.
Minimize grievances of individuals after being properly trained in their business. (3)
(1) Al-Tai ‘Mohammed, Hotel and Tourism Management, (previous source) p. 22.
(2) Hafez ‘Abdul Karim, Hotel and Tourism Management, (previous source) p. 130.
(3) Al-Saidi ‘Essam Hassan, Hotel Management, 1, Dar Al-Raya Publishing and Distribution – Amman, 2008, p. 120.
(2) Hafez ‘Abdul Karim, Hotel and Tourism Management, (previous source) p. 130.
(3) Al-Saidi ‘Essam Hassan, Hotel Management, 1, Dar Al-Raya Publishing and Distribution – Amman, 2008, p. 120.