Prepared by: Hanin Dakhel Muhammad
Supervised by: Asst. Lect. Rana Zaher Salman Al-Janabi
First: The Concept of Hotel Service Quality
In the past, attention was focused on the goods sector, which organizations viewed as a sector worthy of attention and through which growth could be achieved. Service organizations were viewed as marginal, and therefore neglected by marketing sciences. However, today, the services sector has become the most important sector in all economies, as evidenced by the increased spending on material aspects of life that take on a service nature.
Numerous definitions of quality have been provided in the literature, including the following:
1. Quality: A dynamic state associated with physical products, services, people, processes, and the surrounding environment, where this state conforms to expectations (Al-Darwaka et al., 2000).
2. Quality: The integrated characteristics and features of a product or service that have the ability to satisfy desires and needs (Al-Azzawi et al., 2010).
3_(Berry_et_al) sees quality as a state of contradiction or conflict between the beneficiary’s expectations and his perceptions (Berry_et_al1994).